Purchasing & Transport

Purchasing components

Liad Electronics takes care of the purchasing of components for you. Thanks to a combination of our trained professionals, a unique database and years of knowledge of the global market, we ensure we source the right component at the right price.

Knowledge & experience

Purchasing components worldwide requires extensive, up-to-date knowledge of the market and suppliers. Liad Electronics purchases the components for your products exclusively from controlled suppliers that are continuously inspected for price, quality and reliability.

We ensure all components are available in the right quantity, at the right time and in the right place. If specific components have a (too) long delivery time, we will advise you, in consultation with our electronics engineering team, about alternative components.

Life-cycle management

Naturally, life-cycle management is also part of this process. As soon as components become obsolete, we look for possible alternatives. We also give you the opportunity to make a last-time buy (LTB) so that you have the opportunity to adjust your design if necessary.

ESD & MSL safe

All components are processed electrostatic discharge (ESD) safe during the entire production process. To ensure that electronic components and modules cannot be damaged by static electricity, Liad Electronics has an ESD-safe working environment or conditioned storage.

We also consider moisture sensitivity levels (MSL). Proper handling and conditioned storage prevents damage from moisture to promote longevity in the field.

Safe & professional transport

Finally, the shipping — the last part of the process but certainly no less important! Because we want your products to be delivered safely and undamaged, we use our own courier where possible. If we cannot use our courier, we use reliable courier services, such as UPS or DHL.

The best price & quality

By joining forces with our partners, we look for the highest purchasing volume and, therefore, the best price for your materials. This way, we ensure you never pay too much.

  • ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED


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